SKOPOS is the Greek word for PURPOSE, designed and created for modern, elegant, classic and contemporary women.
Skopos is an online fashion boutique established since 2020 in Miami, Florida from home, social networking and online. One year later, we decided to set up a showroom to provide a better personalized service.
Our concept is to advise and dress each of our #Skoposgirls with the purpose of enhancing their beauty to the maximum expression according to the need of each of them. Our Bussines is aimed at every woman who loves to dress well and look GORGEOUS!
The project began with SKOPOS from it’s home in Miami, attending and advising through social networks, by text message, bazaar, visiting clients, in meetings with family and friends. As well as always wearing the most trending garments of SKOPOS, and becoming the image of its entrepreneurship.

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